A detail of Kirkuk’s Citadel.
Researchers at Social Inquiry have also published op-eds and academic articles on other platforms and have appeared in media coverage.
General Public Articles
Intra-PUK Rivalry and its Implications for the Iraqi Kurdish Political Landscape. Al Sharq Forum, December 2021.
Balancing the Rights of Displaced, Returning and Remaining Populations: Learning from Iraq. Forced Migration Review, February 2018.
Jugando con Fuego en el Kurdistán Iraquí. esGlobal, September 2017.
Providing Shelter in Urban Iraq: Where the Displaced meet the Poor. Citiscope, February 2017.
Targeted by Terrorists: Child Recruitment, Exploitation and Reintegration in Indonesia, Iraq and Nigeria. UNDOC Full Report, February 2024.
Why Has Nobody Come Back Here? Monitoring Physical and Social Conditions in Place of Origin to Understand IDP Return Patterns in Iraq. Background paper for the IDMC Global Report on Internal Displacement 2020, April 2020.
The Humanitarian Response in Iraq: Support Beyond International Assistance in Mosul. HPG Working Paper for the Overseas Development Institute, July 2019.
Cities as a Refuge, Cities as a Home: the Relationship between Place and Perceptions of Integration among Urban Displaced Populations in Iraq. Background paper for the IDMC Global Report on Internal Displacement 2019, May 2019.
Combating Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Refugee Crises: Lessons from Working with Syrian Refugees in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights, March 2019.
Academic Articles
HDP Nexus Outcomes and the Integration of Peace Elements: The Case of Iraq after the ISIL Conflict. The International Spectator, May 2024.
Triple Nexus Implementation and Implications for Durable Solutions for Internal Displacement: On Paper and in Practice. Refugee Survey Quarterly, December 2020.
Among Brothers and Strangers: Identities in Displacement in Iraq. International Migration, June 2018.